Friday, September 30, 2011

Myofascial Massage

!9# Myofascial Massage

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Myofascial massage is a hands-on technique that helps "unstick" connective tissue in the body. The goal of Myofascial work is to allow the body to move with grace, strength, stability and ease. Pain is the major factor that keeps us from enjoying such easy movement and is a sign of restriction in the body.

Myofascial massage focuses on the fascia, the living web of connective tissue that help control stability and movement in the body. Our body's fascia has been mapped and researched greatly in the past several decades. Tom Myers, international anatomy teacher and author of Anatomy Trains, has developed a system called Anatomy Trains that gives us a different perspective on the body: instead of looking at individual muscles, this system views our muscles as a part of long lines of connective tissue that run through the body. These lines of connective tissue tense and release to move and support our body. When there is restriction in the connective tissue, the muscles and bones cannot move in their full range of motion. These limitations of movement affect our physical experience of work and play. Lengthening these shortened, restrictive lines of connective tissue is the focus of Myofascial work. Helping to lengthen these short tight lines frees the range of motion in the affected joint, as well as other joints around it.

Fascia functions as a protective wrapping that covers every individual compartment in the body. Healthy fascia in balanced tissues will glide against the layer or fascia next to it. This creates ease of movement. The space between muscle groups and bones is where the nerves and blood vessels lie. Of course, the free flow of blood and nerve transmission is crucial to health. Sometimes the fascial layers get stuck to one another. This can occur when scar tissue builds up as the result of an injury or when the lines become shortened due to repetitive use, such as sitting for long periods of time at the computer. When the space between fascial layers is tight and constricted, the movement of nutrients is reduced, the nerves are impinged, and the health of that area is compromised. Myofascial massage helps open up the layers of connective tissue, allowing increased vitality.

Myofascial work is a great technique for changing the body's pattern; but massage is only half the picture. Most people need to add an at-home program of stretching, icing and self-massage. The client's commitment to at-home self-care is a crucial aspect of the success of this work.

Many different kinds of people benefit from Myofascial work: athletes, musicians, parents, office workers, bicycle riders, dentists - anyone who experiences pain- restricted movement. Myofascial work is also beneficial for people who, while performing normal movements in the usual course of their day, go to pick up a chair or something not that heavy and experience an ouch in their back. Let Myofascial massage and a self-care routine return you to fully functional movement and a pain-free life!

Myofascial Massage

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Handicap Stairway Glide - Information

!9# Handicap Stairway Glide - Information

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Scale slips are very positive for a handicapped person who can not climb stairs. Using these devices, people with disabilities can move up or down without any problems. Stairlifts are seats available for indoor and outdoor use. If you have disabled people in your family, but have not yet installed at home sliding scale then it is very difficult for disabled members move up and down and follow their normal daily routine.They faced a lot of problems when they move and so has someone who wants to support when climbing the steps. The sliding scale of disability are now on the market for the spiral stairs and direct. These sails are also called seat glider or chair.

This seat gliders are like real chairs and disable person can easily sit on it and from the top and bottom. They are extremely comfortable to sit and offer his arm and footrests for thePerson sitting on it. Some people also use wheelchairs here gliders. The shield is made for outdoor use almost comparable to the elevator made for internal use. The only difference between them is that the external lift is weather resistant.

If these steps slides were introduced, had just driven AC motors. A significant disadvantage of AC chair that can not be used when there is no electricity. Now, thanks toAdvances in technology have driven home the gliders DC motors, which run on battery power. So, the shortage of electricity does not affect their performance. You can easily disable or handicapped person to operate the chair lift, because all the relevant controls are in place on the arm.

Today, the stairs disability slips gained popularity around the world and that is why these posts should be well by the people for their disabled family members purchased. This chairThe elevators are also available with infrared control system. Glider chair brand are widely used around the world and their life expectancy is about 15 to 25 years. There are different types of handicap lifts on the market today, the various shapes and sizes, etc. If you have a disabled family member at home, then you have no time to buy up the stairs and slides.

Handicap Stairway Glide - Information

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