Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Human Knee Joint

!9# The Human Knee Joint

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The knee, like the elbow to some extent, is a hinge joint but not a simple one. The lower part of the thigh bone expands into the femoral condyles and the upper shin bone likewise expands into the tibial condyles, the junction of these two enlarged areas forming the knee joint. The small bone on the outside of the knee, known as the fibula, is not involved in weight bearing nor is actually part of the knee joint, serving only as an attachment area for the muscles controlling the ankle, foot and toes. The knee functions as a hinge dividing the leg, allowing the exertion of high levels of muscular propulsive force, the folding of the leg in bending and the shortening of the leg in stepping to allow efficient gait.

As the knee approaches full extension or straightening the main thigh muscles (the quadriceps) engage to achieve full active extension and guide the knee into its locking position. Apes are unable to straighten their knee in standing, whilst humans can extend their knees fully in standing which allows very low energy usage. As the knee gets closer to full extension the thigh muscle rotates the knee inwards to allow it to reach the locking point. Humans can stand with their knees straight for long periods with little activity in the quadriceps and hip muscles, combining stability and low effort.

The cartilages, structures known as menisci, are shaped like a banked track in a crescent configuration and fill in to some extend between the rounded condyles of the femur and the flat tibial surface. Their function has not exactly been demonstrated, however they may contribute to easing the knee into lock, minimising inappropriate movement of the condyles and bringing the condyles towards the joint centre in motion. The third component of the knee joint is the patella or kneecap, this small bone being lined with cartilage and placed anterior to the knee.

The tendon of the quadriceps muscle holds the patella or kneecap within it, the muscle's main function being knee extension to raise the body from a chair or negotiate steps. The inner surface of the patella, divided into two facets, is lined with joint cartilage and articulates with the major groove between the condyles of the femur, sliding back and forth. The power of the quadriceps muscle to extend the knee against the body weight is significantly increased by the presence of the kneecap.

When a knee continues to bend and straighten in a forward and backwards direction the alignment is good and problems are less likely to arise. When a sideways misalignment is added however, the knee can develop painful conditions. A sideways alignment (knock knee or bow leg type conditions) throws the stresses onto one side of the knee by compressing that side of the joint, exposing it to increased wear. A misalignment also changes the angles of function of the patella and causes it to track off to one side, increasing joint friction and causing pain.

During motion of the knee the menisci (the knee cartilages) and the kneecap are subject to high mechanical forces and are the cause of a number of common knee problems. The movement range of the knee is usually from straight (zero degrees) to full bend at about 140 degrees, varying with the body size and joint mobility. As the knee goes through the movements of extension and flexion the large rounded condyles glide and slide on the top of the tibia, with the tibial surface moving underneath them also.

It is in order to stop the femoral condyles slipping off the back of the tibial plateau that they perform the internal glide in a back and front direction. One bone does not move on its own as the joint changes its position, but rather both move in a complicated fashion on each other to allow the functionally desired movement to be achieved. A much more extensive range of motion is achievable with this design. Rotation also occurs at the knee joint but is less obvious, becoming more apparent as the knee extends more closely to the locking position and the internal rotation of the femur occurs.

The Human Knee Joint

Promotional Belkin F5d9050

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Affordable Luxury of the Double Glider

!9# The Affordable Luxury of the Double Glider

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A double glider is an elegant addition to porch, garden or outdoor-indoor living space. A beautiful and functional glider is affordable, ranging in cost from 0 to 00. A glider is basically a couch suspended on bearings above a base allowing it to glide smoothly back and forth in a comforting and relaxing motion. The most obvious benefit of a glider over a porch swing is that it doesn't have to be hung and therefore it can be moved from porch to garden. Few double rocking chairs are available.

A dazzling array are available on-line. They are constructed from a variety of woods, wicker, ironwork and even recycled plastic. The most common width is 4', although 5' models are available. A 5' long red cedar glider is offered by the Amish just under 0. Cypress Moon is a southern Louisiana company featuring gliders handmade from locally harvested Cypress. The 5 foot version has a small console which flips down in the center to hold your afternoon iced tea, hand phone and notepads. Eucalyptus gliders are medium priced alternative to teak.

The alternatives to wood are also elegant. Wicker gliders are lighter and have transparent look about them. They have either steel or aluminum frames and come with cushions. Imagine a house on Cape Cod and you have the picture they present. North Cape, Saybrooke and Longboat Key are some well-known brands. Besides wood and wicker, wrought iron offers a traditional look with its scrolls and comfortably shaped seats. These are also available from 0. And last of all, we come to a new alternative: recycled plastic. They look and feel like wood while keeping the wood in the forests and the plastic out of the oceans and landfills, a surprisingly green alternative. They will last a lifetime with little or no maintenance. Consider it.

Maintenance is simple. even with the hardware. Keep your glider clean with soapy water, perhaps an oil based soap for wooden gliders. Adding a little vinegar makes it impervious to mildew. Lubricate the bearings once or twice a year. Makers of the gliders recommend buying an easy to use spray lubricant from your local hardware store. Perhaps cover your prized piece in extreme weather or take care to keep its weatherproofing system up to date. Everyone who has a place to put one of these lovely relaxing and movable benches should enjoy and share its benefits.

The Affordable Luxury of the Double Glider

Artificial Jewellery Top Quality Wholesale Prince Lionheart Seat Saver

Thursday, November 3, 2011

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